Thursday, 12 July 2018

The BlackBerry KEYone gets an Android Oreo beta program for some reason

BlackBerry KEYone

  • BlackBerry announced an Android Oreo beta program for the KEYone.
  • The beta program is invite-only, though folks can create an account and hope to gain entry.
  • The KEYone launched in April 2017 and has yet to receive its promised Oreo update.

Even though Android P’s launch is right around the corner, the BlackBerry KEYone has yet to receive its promised Android Oreo update. That finally changes today, though it took a beta program for the update to finally arrive.

Reported by CrackBerry, the KEYone’s Android Oreo beta program is invite-only. You are more than welcome to create an account and try your luck, though BlackBerry did not say when the Oreo beta will be available to testers.

Either way, this is a very strange turn of events. BlackBerry launched the KEYone in April 2017, yet it just got a beta program for an almost one-year-old mobile OS. Keep in mind that, at the latest, Android P launches sometime next month.

Editor's Pick

Even stranger, there was no mention of a beta program for the newer Key2, which already runs Oreo. That might indicate that BlackBerry might just want feedback on the KEYone’s Oreo update instead of treating the beta program like an actual beta program.

KEYone owners will take anything they can get at this point, however. Because Canadian carrier Rogers delayed the KEYone’s Oreo update, every KEYone out there still runs Nougat.

BlackBerry has done a better job with monthly security updates, though the lack of Oreo is downright depressing at this point. We are almost at the one-year mark since Google officially released Oreo, so there is no excuse.

If you did not receive an invite for the beta program and want to try your luck anyway, you can do so at the link below.

via WixxSid
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নাভানা ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালসে চাকরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি

নাভানা ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালসে চাকরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি

নিয়োগ দেবে নাভানা ফার্মাসিউটিক্যাল। সিনিয়র টেরিটরি মার্কেটিং অফিসার পদে নিয়োগের জন্য বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে।


যেকোনো বিষয়ে স্নাতক/ স্নাতকোত্তর পাস প্রার্থীরা আবেদন করতে পারবেন। প্রার্থীদের ন্যূনতম ৩.০০ সিজিপি থাকতে হবে এবং এইচএসসিতে যাঁদের বিজ্ঞান বিভাগ আছে, তাঁরা অগ্রাধিকার পাবেন। উক্ত পদে নতুনরাও আবেদন করতে পারবেন। নির্বাচিতদের বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন জায়গায় নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। বয়সসীমা ৩০ বছর।


আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে নির্ধারণ করা হবে।

আবেদনের প্রক্রিয়া

আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা বিস্তারিত বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে দেখুন। এ ছাড়া অনলাইনে  বিডিজবস ডটকমের মাধ্যমেও বিস্তারিত জানতে পারবেন।

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ 

২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৮ পর্যন্ত আবেদন করতে পারবেন

বিস্তারিত বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে দেখুন

from Youth Carnival
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Shrine of the Lady of Grace Location - Octopath Traveler

Square Enix's recent release Octopath Traveler is great for a number of reasons — check out our Octopath Traveler review for the full scoop — but beyond other highlights is the player's ability to customize their heroes through the use of different skills and job classes. However, to unlock job classes, players must first track down all of the game's different shrines. Keep reading to learn where players can find the Shrine of the Lady of Grace and unlock the Dancer secondary job class.

Where to Find the Shrine of the Lady of Grace

Like with the Shrine of the Huntress, the Shrine of the Lady of Grace is relatively easy to find. Just outside of Wellspring is the junction known as the Northern Wellspring Sands. From the save point and signpost just east of Wellspring, start walking north toward the soldier, then follow the path west and north again until reaching the final red flag blowing in the wind. At the flag, continue west down the path obstructed from view by the rocky outcropping, then follow the path into the cave opening.

Once within the shrine itself, continue down the path east and then north up the stairs and toward the altar. Approach the altar and press A watch as the heroes hear the disembodied voice of Sealticge, the Lady of Grace, who acknowledges the boldness of the heroes for managing to find the shrine. As a kind gesture, the Lady of Grace will then unlock the Dancer class, allowing each hero to access the skills and attribute bonuses associated with the secondary job.

Seven shrines remain for players who want to unlock all secondary job classes in Octopath Traveler. To learn where the rest are, be sure to stop by our Octopath Traveler strategy and guide hub, which also features loads of information about job attribute bonuses, skills, boss strategies, how to farm easy experience, and more.

VI: wixxsid
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এক্সিকিউটিভ পদে ফুডপান্ডাতে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি

এক্সিকিউটিভ পদে ফুডপান্ডাতে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি

ফুডপান্ড বাংলাদেশ লিমিটেড নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। এক্সিকিউটিভ পদে  সাতজনকে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে।
যেকোনো স্বীকৃত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে স্নাতক ডিগ্রি থাকতে হবে। ইংরেজি ও বাংলা ভাষায় যোগাযোগে দক্ষতা থাকতে হবে। আবেদনকারীর কমপক্ষে দুই বছরের কাজের অভিজ্ঞতা থাকতে হবে। বয়সের সীমাবদ্ধতা নেই। উক্ত পদে নারী পুরুষ উভয়ই আবেদন  করতে পারবেন।
আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে নির্ধারণ করা হবে।
আবেদনের প্রক্রিয়া
আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা অনলাইনে জাগোজবস ডটকমের মাধ্যমে আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ 
১ আগস্ট, ২০১৮ পর্যন্ত আবেদন করতে পারবেন

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Shrine of the Huntress Location - Octopath Traveler

Now that Nintendo Switch players are happily adventuring away in Octopath Traveler, the latest RPG release from the team at Square Enix, they're most certainly looking to start putting together their parties and diving into the game's eight different storylines. Part of creating a powerful party comes down to hero customization, and the best way to customize heroes is by equipping secondary jobs that can be unlocked at various shrines spread across the continent of Orsterra. Keep reading to learn where to find the Shrine of the Huntress and unlock the Hunter secondary job class in Octopath Traveler.

Where to Find the Shrine of the Huntress

The Shrine of the Huntress is located just east of the town called Victors Hollow, itself accessible from the junction known as East Victors Hollow Trail. The shrine itself is easy to find: from the sign post just a short ways north of the entrance to Victors Hollow, turn to follow the path east. When the dirt trail turns south, continue walking east into the grass, past the rocky outcropping blocking the path from view, to find the shrine entrance on the north side of the cliff.

Once players have walked through the entrance to the cave, follow the path east and then north up the stairs. Approach the altar and press A to have the heroes hear the voice of Draefendi, the Huntress, who will express admiration for the party having made the journey so far. As a gesture of goodwill, Draefendi will then unlock the Hunter secondary job class, allowing all party members to take advantage of the powerful stat bonuses and skills attributed to the job.

Even with the Shrine of the Huntress out of the way, there are still seven other shrines that Octopath Players must locate in order to have access to all eight core secondary job classes. To learn more about the others, be sure to stop by Shacknews' Octopath Traveler strategy and guide hub, which spells out the location of each shrine, plus gives details about boss job classes and skills, boss strategies, and how to farm experience quickly.

VI: wixxsid
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সরকারী ৫ ব্যাংকে ৭৬৭ জনকে নিয়োগ দেয়া হবে

সরকারী ৫ ব্যাংকে ৭৬৭ জনকে নিয়োগ দেয়া হবে

ব্যাংকার্স সিলেকশন কমিটির তত্ত্বাবধানে সোনালী ব্যাংক, রূপালী ব্যাংক, বাংলাদেশ কৃষি ব্যাংক, বাংলাদেশ ডেভেলপমেন্ট ব্যাংক, প্রবাসীকল্যাণ ব্যাংক লিমিটেড নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। অফিসার (ক্যাশ) পদে মোট ৭৬৭টি শূন্য পদে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। পদটিতে নারী ও পুরুষ উভয় প্রার্থীরাই আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
পদের নাম ও পদসংখ্যা
অফিসার (ক্যাশ)-৭৬৭টি
সোনালী ব্যাংক-২৪৪টি
রূপালী ব্যাংক-১৯৭টি
বাংলাদেশ কৃষি ব্যাংক-৩১৯টি
বাংলাদেশ ডেভেলপমেন্ট ব্যাংক-৪টি
প্রবাসীকল্যাণ ব্যাংক-৩টি
যেকোনো স্বীকৃত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে যেকোনো বিষয়ে স্নাতকোত্তর পাস হতে হবে। মাধ্যমিক স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট/ সমমান এবং তদূর্ধ্ব পর্যায়ের পরীক্ষাগুলোয় ন্যূনতম একটিতে প্রথম বিভাগ/ শ্রেণি থাকতে হবে। কোনো পর্যায়েই তৃতীয় বিভাগ/ শ্রেণি গ্রহণযোগ্য হবে না। উক্ত পদে চাকরির বয়সসীমা সর্বোচ্চ ৩০ বছর। অভিজ্ঞ ও অনভিজ্ঞ উভয়েই আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
১৬,০০-৩৮৬৪০ টাকা
আবেদনের প্রক্রিয়া
আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া ও বিস্তারিত বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে দেখুন।
আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ 
৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৮ পর্যন্ত আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
বিস্তারিত বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে দেখুন

from Youth Carnival
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Guides, Tips, and Boss Strategies - Octopath Traveler

Octopath Traveler is finally here, giving JRPG fans arguably one of the finest experiences the genre has seen in years. Square Enix's Nintendo Switch exclusive is a huge game, meaning there are plenty of opportunities for players to customize their parties with different job classes, skills, abilities, equipment, and more, all in the name of completing every chapter and learning the full story surrounding each of the game's eight different characters. Keep reading to learn everything we know about Octopath Traveler, including base job skills and attribute bonuses, boss strategies, shrine locations, and more.

Characters, Job Classes, Skills, and Attribute Bonuses

Getting to know a game like Octopath Traveler means coming to understand the many different systems put in place by the developers at Square Enix. Fortunately, that's not so difficult — players can choose from a selection of different jobs, each of which offering its own attribute bonuses as well as both active and passive skills. Keep reading to learn about these different elements and earn the biggest potential impact from all eight characters.

Job Classes and Skills List
This guide breaks down all eight of the core job classes in Octopath Traveler as well as the active skills, passive skills, and attribute bonuses associated with each.

Characters, Path Actions, and Talents
Octopath Traveler follows the story of eight different adventures, and this guide breaks down each hero's background, special Path Action, and unique Talent.

Advanced Jobs and Skills List
Coming soon.

How to Choose the Best Secondary Jobs in Octopath Traveler
We examine the effects that equipping secondary jobs have on characters including a close look at job attribute bonuses.

Octopath Traveler Shrine Locations

Shrines in Octopath Traveler serve a distinct purpose: to unlock classes that can be used as secondary jobs for each of the eight main characters. Each of the eight characters will always retain their primary jobs, but each can also equip a secondary job to make use of certain battle abilities or learn passive skills that can be used no matter which job is chosen. However, these secondary jobs can only be used once their corresponding shrines have been found.

Check out each of the guides listed below to learn more about the shrines in Octopath Traveler, including their locations, details about how to access them (where necessary), and information about the secondary jobs they offer.

Shrine of the Flamebearer Location
The Shrine of the Flamebearer grants players access to the Cleric job class.

Shrine of the Healer Location
The Shrine of the Healer grants players access to the Apothecary job class.

Shrine of the Huntress Location
Coming soon.

Shrine of the Lady of Grace Location
Coming soon.

Shrine of the Prince of Thieves Location
Coming soon.

Shrine of the Sage Location
Coming soon.

Shrine of the Thunderblade Location
Coming soon.

Shrine of the Trader Location
Coming soon.

All Shrine Locations
Coming soon.

Octopath Traveler Boss Strategies

Some of the biggest excitement to be had in Octopath Traveler centers around the game's elaborate boss battles. Every major character chapter features at least one big conflict, and taking down foes involves learning their strengths as well as their weaknesses.

These guides are still a work-in-progress, but we'll be updating each with information about all bosses as we make further progress into the game.

Olberic Boss Weaknesses - All Chapters
Coming soon.

Ophilia Boss Weaknesses - All Chapters
Coming soon.

H'aanit Boss Weaknesses - All Chapters
Coming soon.

Extra Octopath Traveler Guides

Sometimes making the most out of an RPG means finding tips or strategies that aren't simply based on in-game details, and we've got a selection of just those sort of tips featured below. This section will be expanded in the future, so be sure to keep checking back by this page to stay updated on the latest information.

Octopath Traveler Review: The JRPG Switch Players Deserve
Get the full scoop on Square Enix's latest adventure with Shacknews' official review of Octopath Traveler:

How Long Does it Take to Beat Octopath Traveler?
Wondering about how long it might take to see every chapter of Octopath Traveler? We have some ideas.

What Are Danger Levels?
Square Enix gave Octopath Traveler a number of Danger Level alerts in order to prepare players for challenges they may find ahead.

How to Gain Experience Quickly - Levels 15-35
Players looking to earn experience quickly can find a simple method outlined in this guide, which takes advantage of enemies with glaring weaknesses against common weapons that also offer large amounts of experience per battle.

The coverage of Octopath Traveler doesn't end here — players who have yet to jump into Square Enix's latest JRPG would do well to check out our official Octopath Traveler review. Beyond that, the latest news and features otherwise can be found by heading over to Shacknews' own Octopath Traveler home page.

VI: wixxsid
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